A plane lands in Chile: 6 dead


He crashed into one house, destroyed it and burned another house.


A small plane fell on a house in the Chilean town of Puerto Montt, south of the trans-Andean country, killing six people, all members of the plane crash, including the pilot of the ship. The impact caused the destruction of a house that was fortunately not inhabited at that time and caused a fire that also affected a nearby house. The collapse occurred in the area of ​​Villa Antillanca, near La Paloma aerodrome. And the damaged aircraft is a private plane carrying six people on board and whose fuel tank was full, which explains the scale of the fire that declared itself at the time of the accident. ;in law. The most affected house belongs to a teacher who, at that time, was not in the place, as confirmed the governor of Llanquihue, Leticia Oyarce. The fire started at the place where the plane fell and a few minutes later, because of the wind, it spread to the house of this residential area of ​​Puerto Montt. .

The ship was on scheduled flights between Puerto Montt and Chaitén – a journey of just 2 kilometers – about 1,000 kilometers south of Santiago de Chile. And for reasons that are still unknown and are the subject of a Chilean justice investigation, the plane collapsed just minutes after taking off from La Paloma airfield. In fact, the house in which the plane crashed is located about 400 meters from the runway. Los Lagos Mayor Harry Jurgensen said the pilot and five pbadengers were on board the plane, although no details were known about whether they died on the spot. or if some have survived and died.

Although firefighters could control the fire, they continued to work to prevent the fire from spreading further. The neighboring house could not be saved and they were trying to prevent the flames from reaching a third property.

Regular trip

2 kilometers

The distance that the plane had to travel.

We do not know yet what happened with this plane that rushed a few moments after takeoff. I have made this trip regularly.


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