A plane of humanitarian aid landed at the border with Brazil and the army repressed


A plane of humanitarian aid to Venezuela landed this Friday in Boa Vista, capital of the Brazilian state of Roraima, whose border with the Caribbean country is closed since Thursday on the orders of Nicolás Maduro. On the Venezuelan side, however, dozens of officers of the Bolivarian National Guard, who answer to the ruling party, they throw tear gas to try to disperse a demonstration of hundreds of residents of the Venezuelan population of Santa Elena de Uairén – on the border with Brazil – as well as opposition deputies to demand the reopening of the border.

The demonstration comes hours after a violent confrontation between the military and indigenous peoples of a community of the Pemon ethnic group, in the Gran Sabana National Park, near Santa Elena de Uairen. two people killed and 22 wounded, Most of them are affected by firearms.

According to local media, because of the shortage of drugs and supplies At the Santa Elena Hospital in Uairén, six of the bullet wounded, in a delicate condition, were taken by ambulance to Boa Vista, a Brazilian city, for medical treatment.

Meanwhile, a Brazilian air force plane arrived at the Boa Vista base this afternoon, a day before the date announced by the Venezuelan opposition leader, Juan. Guaidó, for delivery of help.

Brazilian soldiers organize an expedition with humanitarian aid.
Brazilian soldiers organize an expedition with humanitarian aid.

Now, the transfer of aid to the Caribbean country rests with Venezuelan agentsas spokesman for the government, Jair Bolsonaro, Otávio Régo Barros, said Thursday, that Brazil's collaboration will in no way exceed its area of ​​sovereignty. As the border is closed, we still do not know how the supplies will be delivered to the neighboring country.

The president in charge of Venezuela Guaidó ordered the army to open the border with Brazil.
Here is how the border with Venezuela is confined: closed.
They force people and cars to bypbad the border pic.twitter.com/SYQ3AGLcBv

– TN – Todo Noticias (@todonoticias) February 22, 2019


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