A plane returned from Mexico with 44 infected graduates – News


The portfolio led by Carla Vizzotti issued a statement discouraging travel abroad due to the risk of transmission to Argentina of new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that are circulating internationally.

In this sense, he indicated that control actions are articulated with all the jurisdictions involved, since the Ministry of Health of the city of Buenos Aires indicated that 44 travelers Out of a total of 149, from Cancun, they presented a positive antigen test on their return.

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As reported, the young people are residents of the city of Buenos Ares and the province of Buenos Aires who returned from graduate study trips and preventive and control measures were taken immediately.

First, the National Directorate of Migration was asked for a complete list of passengers on the flight, in order to identify their close contacts, initiate follow-up and strictly monitor the compulsory quarantine of each person, by each jurisdiction.

The health ministry said that the PCR test has also been requested from 44 people and that the positive PCR samples will be sent to the Anlis-Malbrán laboratory, for its genomic sequencing of SARS-CoV-2, in order to monitor d ‘possible variants. virus.

Given the circulation of new variants and the risk of community transmission in Argentina, the health portfolio emphasized the recommendation to avoid travel for reasons that are not essential. and emphasized that a negative PCR test must be submitted on a mandatory basis within 72 hours of shipment.

In addition, Upon arrival in the country, the traveler must self-quarantine for 10 days from the negative PCR test and must also comply with the recommendations set by the jurisdictions regarding entry from abroad..

The government recalled that different variants have been identified worldwide, including three in particular (those originally detected in the UK; Manaus, Brazil and South Africa) of particular interest, which have already generated transmission. community in many countries on different continents.


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