A plane with passengers almost collided with a UFO | the Chronicle


Pilots of a passenger plane landing at Leeds Bradford Airport in England miraculously escaped a UFO head-on, as a recent report by the British Airprox Council, entity that investigates air traffic incidents.

It happened on September 1, when an unidentified object He passed three meters from the Boeing 737, which was arriving in West Yorkshire from Spain, according to details of the investigation cited by the media The sun. The study authors said that “There was a definite risk of collision.”

“The two pilots suddenly saw a bright light and an object that appeared to be moving towards the plane, almost straight ahead, slightly up and to the left. The object appeared without warning and there was no time to act “, takes note of the report of the aviation safety office.

Some speculation asserts that the UFO it could have been a drone or a flying flashlight. A police helicopter had seen glowing balloons flying in the area at the time, but none of the pilots believed that was what they had seen.

A few days after this event, another similar event near Manchester Airport when an Airbus A320 plane with 186 passengers on board was about to collide with a drone that was passing within a meter of the plane and was flying 20 times above its allowable limit.

The agency confirmed that 400 such incidents have been reported in the past five years.


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