A plane with six people on board has disappeared in Russia | A rescue team has been deployed


An Antonov-26 plane with six people on board disappeared from radar screens Wednesday in the Russian Far East. In this region of the largest country in the world, aircraft incidents are still frequent.

According to the Emergency Ministry, the plane disappeared 38 kilometers from the city of Khabarovsk, “presumably” above the Khekhtsir nature reserve. “According to preliminary data, there was a crew of six on board,” who were on a test flight, the ministry added, quoted by Russian news agencies.

The Antonov-26 It is a medium cargo transport aircraft produced by the Soviet manufacturer Antonov in the 1970s, which is mainly used for the transport of civilian goods or troops and military equipment.

Authorities have reported that a rescue team and a helicopter have been deployed to the alleged site of the disappearance. “The search is complicated by darkness and adverse weather conditions,” added the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

According to a source cited by the TASS Agency, the aircraft was “in good condition” and the crew did not report any problems before take-off. In August, an Mi-8 helicopter with 16 people on board, including 13 tourists, crashed into a lake on the volcanic Kamchatka Peninsula due to poor visibility. Eight people died in the accident.


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