"A policeman told me that your son had swallowed water and was gone," said Lucas Lin's father.


The Chinese supermarket and his ex-wife led the march from one of the premises, the 46, 3 and 4, to the Lincoln College headquarters, between 40 and 6 hours out of 40. They called for justice, as well as their relatives and parents of other children.

The consternation of Ying (center) observing the picture with the face of his son, in the midst of justice claims. "We will not know peace anymore," they told EL DIA / Gonzalo Calvelo

At 14:30, about 50 people gathered in the block of 46 between 3 and 4, where operates the supermarket "Don José", run by Min Lin and his father, "José" Lin. Silence reigned among the crowd gathered in the street.

A day earlier, Min and his ex-wife Ying had received the worst news of their lives: Lucas, his 5-year-old son, had drowned in a pool where the Lincoln School chose to develop his colony. 39; summer. The reason for this congregation of people of very different nationalities and histories was to demand "justice and answers" for the fact that it left a family devastated.

A few hours earlier, Lucas Lin's father had tried to talk to the media at the door of the green-fronted shop, where they had hung placards announcing the duel closure with photos of Lucas. The eyes swollen with tears and the broken voice, she managed to tell how that was when she supposed the news.

"When they called me, they said" Hello Daddy Lucas, can you come to the sports field? "I ask him what happened and they say to me," Come here here. " you like it, there is the police and the doctors ", she said between two sobs.

As he could, he added, "I tell him what happened to my son." There, I cut him off and when we arrived, a policeman told me, "Your son has swallowed "It hurts, this moment hurts me." This pain would be reflected in the mobilization at Lincoln College headquarters, out of 40, between ages 6 and 7, all over his body. At 3:10 pm, the number of people gathered exceeds the hundred. A few more were added in the nine blocks that the column walked.

During the trip, only the noise of pbading cars was heard. At first, someone tried to blow up a jar, but they stopped it instantly. With muteness as a rule, the procession has moved to its destination.


Min walked alone. The pain isolated him from those who were at his side. His friends and family kissed him in some places, but his eyes reflected emptiness.

This loneliness was also observed in his body, already without strength, with languid arms and an automatic pbadage. Even when two riots moved the people present, he was the only one not to turn his head towards the noise. His eyes fixed on the ground reflected his thoughts and the photo he was holding delicately in his hands.

Ying, a few meters behind Min, was accompanied by a parent. The language barrier made it more difficult for him to communicate with the media and, as a result, his visibility was less. Not if your grief. She was seen hanging on a banner with the picture of her son's face and the caption "We demand justice for Lucas Kevin Lin, whom officials pay." On several occasions, he turned the sheet of paper to look at the picture with the child's face, as he still could not believe that he could no longer hold it.

Finally, at 3:45 pm, the column of people stopped in front of the Lincoln College building. So yes, with different elements, a kind of "ruidazo" started and the cry of "Justice!".

A subject of Chinese nationality separated from the crowd and hit the metal blind that covers the door of the establishment, but was quickly stopped by those present. Meanwhile, more and more people approached, many of them dismayed the mothers whose children were Lucas' companions. The majority preferred not to speak. However, all used the same sentence to refer to the fact: "It is a tragic product of negligence".

"The kids were two hours in the colony after Lucas's death"

Mom of a companion of Lucas Lin

Meanwhile, Cecilia chose to testify and recounted what happened that afternoon: "My 11-year-old daughter was the same day, the children spent two hours in the colony after Lucas's death. The parents discovered when we went to pick them up.There was first the microphone of the young children, they met the parents and a teacher told them that a "tragedy" was produced, "he said.

He added, "Later I learned that they even sang the happy birthday and continued normal activities, how could they do that?" We are shocked and surprised by the attitude of the school. did not give any answers ".


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