A poll has put the numbers to the test and shows that the macristas are more “anti” than the K


Since the end of March and for a few weeks, a little over a month, a part of the voters of Together for Change jumped the crack and took a good look at the leadership of Alberto Fernandez. This is the most that allowed him to achieve this distant positive image. Other times. Because today the followers of macroism fully show their anti-K sentiment. And on a polarization thermometer, one could conclude that they are more radical than their rivals.

This conclusion can be drawn from the latest study by two consulting firms, D’Alessio IROL – Berensztein, which has been measuring the images of the main political leaders for several years. When the December data, released this month, is examined, it’s clear how the leaders of Together for Change – without standing out – are gaining some support among Frente de Todos voters. But there is hardly any vice versa.

This is a national survey on 1229 cases. And before we get to the cross-data, other parameters reveal the existence of strong anti-K sentiment. Within the Juntos por el Cambio, the voters questioned …

One of the symbols of the crack: Cristina Kirchner greets without looking at Mauricio Macri, during the presidential replacement in Congress.

One of the symbols of the crack: Cristina Kirchner greets without looking at Mauricio Macri, during the presidential replacement in Congress.

– He 96% believe the the economy is “worse” or “much worse” It’s last year.

– He 84% predict that the economy will be “worse” or “much worse” that next year.

– He 62% consider it fair “Within a year” improvements could be observed In the economy.

– He 86% he thinks that “impunity for the acts of the Kirchner government” East one of main problems of the country (almost at the same level as “inflation” or “insecurity”).

– He 98% considered “bad” or “very bad” management Alberto Fernández and only 2%, “good” or “very good”. In May, the ratio was -70% and + 24% (the remainder “ns / nc”).

How the Kirchnerists see the M

When the study enters the chapter images, it first puts the global data. There, as advanced Bugle, keep leading Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, but with an internal alert: the head of government has her as an escort to his Minister of Health, Fernan Quirós. And part of the success of both is due to the support fishing in K waters.

In Larreta’s case, it is precisely this transversality that worries Christianity in the middle of the year and serves as a justification for launching a furious attack on the head of government. Over the months, the attack has had its effect and today its good image among the voters of the Frente de Todos is moderate (23% see it well).

macro image

he better in this sense it is now Quiros, What’s wrong with that 43% favorable rating among K voters. He is the leader with the most balanced weight: he completes it with 65% good image among the followers of Ensemble pour le change and 43% among those outside the crack. He is below the head of government on average, as he maintains a positive rating of 85% in his own electorate.

Between Quirós and Larreta, strain Emilio Monzó. The former head of deputies, of Peronist origin, has always had a more dialogist speech, well seen by certain sectors K. In the D’Alessio and Berensztein survey he adds 27% for Kirchnerists. Others with relatively good numbers in this regard are Diego Santilli (20%), Rogelio Frigerio (18%) and Martin Lousteau (18%).

The rest? Maria Eugenia Vidal (12%), Patricia bullrich (12%), Judge Luis (11%), Mario negri (ten%), Elisa Carrió (9%) Miguel Angel Pichetto (8%), Alfredo Cornejo (8%). Last, predictable, appears Mauricio Macri, with solo 6% positive image of voters K.

How macristas see the K

When you look at the reverse of polarization, which is how Ensemble pour le change voters see K leaders, the divide beats louder. It’s worth starting at the bottom of the table where they appear. Cristina and Maximum Kirchner. Both have 0% favorable rating among M voters.

macro image

The best in this regard are the Minister of the Economy, Martin guzman, and the governor of San Juan, Sergio Uñac, who is more Peronist than Kirchner, although he is currently a member of the Frente de Todos. Both have a positive image of 10% among macristas.

They complete: Omar Perotti (seven%), Matias Lammens (5%), Juan Manzur (4%), Santiago cafiero (3%), Ginés González García (2%), Alberto Fernandez (2%), Sergio massa (2%), Axel Kicillof (1%) and Verónica Magario (1%).

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