A prestigious American university rents Cristina and shoots Macri


One of the most important academics in the United States has destroyed Mauricio Macri's economic policy and said that Cristina Kirchner, vice-presidential candidate, is "The best thing that can happen in the country". In addition, he warned against the foreign debt of Argentina generated by Cambiemos.

The Argentinean economist Guillermo Calvo, a scholar at Columbia University (USA), told the Chilean press that a possible triumph of the opposition formula "is oddly the best something that can happen in the country. " "I think investors, if Macri supposes, have more time to recover their money, because Macri has shown no ability to handle this situation. This has aggravated the situation, "he added.


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"I'm not in favor of Cristina (Kirchner) or her people, but I must admit one thing: if Cristina goes up, she can look back and say," Look at the mess that this man has left us and now I have to to make the adjustment that he should have done and what he did not do, "he explained.In this sense, he badyzed this "A government with Cristina may be more credible than Macri's."

In another aspect, Calvo pointed out that "default is a very important risk, and the Central Bank's debt continues to accumulate because the 50% currently paid to it consists of bonds issued by the central bank. the Central Bank, then it gets more and more debt every day, and it is not sustainable. "

Similarly, he pointed out that for the IMF, Argentina is "the largest investment it has", for the volume of the loan granted, to nearly 57 billion dollars.


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