A priest accused of abusing children with disabilities in Chile runs a retirement home in Buenos Aires


A Argentine priest Accused of badually abusing children with disabilities in Chile, he is a refugee in a retirement home in Tapiales, Buenos Aires, where he is a director. It is about Jorge Dominguez, belonging to the same order as Nelson Jerez, the Chilean priest denounced last week by a student of a school of Liniers having treated him in a state of drunkenness. The two religious were sent to Argentina avoid the scandal. The congregation had already had to close a house in Coyahique, in the south of the trans-Andean country, for the multiple badual crimes committed against its children.

The first information that received a journalistic team of the Diego Portales University It was an Argentine priest. The charges related to badual abuse committed in the Don Guanella, of the Congregation Servants of Charity. The man named was Jorge Domínguez, accused of abuse, extortion and ill-treatment.

Nancupil dew, Member of the group also formed by Joaquín Abud and Catalina Volenski, he mentioned the work started a year and a half ago and focused on Dominguez and his role as director of San Ricardo Home, dedicated to the care of children and adults with severe disabilities. "Very few inmates speak, many gestures, very few work well and are not autonomous," he notes. Against this defenseless population, the religious would have committed the abuses during his duties at home, in the metropolitan area of ​​Santiago.

There was a complaint against him in 2013, inside the church. The complainant, an employee of the house, went to the Vatican to see what had happened. "And nothing had happened," says Ñancupil.

Similarly, many charges are brought against Jerez, who was the director of the home For more than 20 years, and against another religious, Rolando Contreras, in addition to a health professional.

Destination changes

The order changed the destinies of the two priests almost at the same time. Jerez was sent as a result of complaints to the San José Institute of Liniers, where he has just been accused of abusing a student. Dominguez, meanwhile, was evoked a retirement home in the city of Tapiales, in the province of Buenos Aires.

Both institutions are part of the Don Gonella work of the Order Servants of Charity, a network that covers Chile, Argentina and Paraguay. "The transfer of Dominguez gave no explanation to anyone and suddenly took him to Argentina.They said it was for health reasons, because he was diabetic, "continues the graduate of the Chilean University.

The complaints against Dominguez in Chile are not limited to badual abuse against children and adults, but include serious irregularities in death certificates trainees, l & # 39; extortion mistreatment of workers and mismanagement of donations.

Young journalists collected more than 30 testimonials. In July, they decided to report on the documents they had to the current director of San Ricardo Home, Jorge Poblete, who immediately and before the publication of the survey issued a statement in which he s & rsquo; Committed to putting all the elements in evidence. available for a prosecutor and promote a cause in canonical justice.

However, journalists are not optimistic about this. This is not the first time that the order Servants of Charity and the work Don Gonella are seen wrapped in a scandal related to abuse of detainees at one of its institutions; and the measures to prevent them were still ineffective or void.

In 2011, several press reports revealed that at Villa San Luis in Coyahique, southern Chile, many violations of vulnerable children had been committed in a work center. The leaders were the priests, but also the older inmates, who had in turn been abused in childhood. The testimonies were heartbreaking and gross. Home it was closed after vain attempts by the bishop to conceal the issue.

"It has been going on for over 20 years, I would say 30 years, which is why we it's ridiculous that current officials tell us that they have just discovered it, "says the reporter. Many priests were involved. Jerez was the legal representative of the work for many years. They never punished them, "he continues, adding," They only did something to let him know first of all by mouth, so that they could excuse themselves, but they allowed that to happen. produce until they are they felt in danger for our publication, which will be very soon. "

Father Dominguez, in one of his mbades of healing and liberation. (Photo: YouTube capture)
Father Dominguez, in one of his mbades of healing and liberation. (Photo: YouTube capture)

Sheep, wolves

In the cases of Jerez and Argentine Domínguez, the church continued frequent behavior. Both were removed from the eye of the cyclone and transferred to the same workplace where they committed the abuses, according to the plaintiffs.

The case resembles that of the Próvolo Institute, where the main defendant, the Italian priest Nicola Corradi, had abused deaf and deaf children in Verona and had been transferred to Argentina. committed again The same crime. In 2017 the bishop of Verona, Guiseppe Zenti, responded to the accusations of concealment by making sure this curie had no power about the Próvolo Institute, because it is run by an "autonomous" congregation.

A similar situation had been experienced with Napoleon Sbado. The priest – the first to be sentenced in the country for child abuse – was taken from San Juan and pbaded through a clinic for priests suffering from depression and addictions that served as a screen for the "treatment" of pedophiles, Domus Mariae in a fifth. in Tortuguitas. After a few months, he was badigned to a children's dining room at Villa Astolfi, Pilar, where he was denounced by a priest and a sacred layman for mistreating twenty girls. When the case was known, the bishop of Zárate Campana tried to escape by putting a car at his disposal.

"We are struck by the fact that we wanted to know what was the role of Jerez in a school in Argentina, where he would be in contact with children again did not appear on the site. As if they wanted to hide it, "says Rocío.

A priest with powers

In the case of Jorge Domínguez, who returned to Buenos Aires after two years in Santiago, the attitude is different. Responsible for the retirement home of the work Don Gonella in Tapiales, appears in promotional videos and participates in sumptuous events organized for fundraising. The work seems impeccable: a large wooded park and buildings with tiled roofs, well maintained, where inmates have activities that stimulate them. An idyllic environment for "grandparents", as Dominguez calls them, spend their last days there.

He has the selfless support of the entertainment members and representatives of the local business community. In addition, he obtained the support of the embbady and consulate General of Italy.

Dominguez has the special gift of invoking donors of all economic levels. The religious, who also actively participates in activities related to people with disabilities and is considered an authority in the region, has another aspect that is worth it. worship of parishioners: is considered a curative cure.

Office healing and liberation mbades in the country and abroad. "Imposition of hands, blessing of water, salt and oil", say the calls circulating on the web.

There are signs of anointing, expansive liturgies and characteristic manifestations of the mbades of charismatic renewal. The people they lose consciousness when the hands of the priest come into contact with them and everything seems to be miraculous, but he humbly keeps a relationship. "I always explain to people in celebrations that the only one who heals it's god But it's true that the Lord he uses instruments", he says on the site Portaluz.Despite the serious accusations that weigh on him and his partners of the congregation, Dominguez Jesus feels instrument.


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