A priest confessed at mass: “I’m in love, I leave my cassock” – News


“I can’t help but stay consistent, transparent and correct as I always have been until now. But my heart is in love. I want to try to live this love ”, explained Ceccobelli, according to what was published by the local newspaper. Corriere della Sera.

“I never wanted to betray the promises I made, but I want to give myself the opportunity to follow my feelings,” he added.

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The priest admitted that the decision making was difficult for him. “I love and respect the Church,” he said.

Thereafter, Ceccobelli made the announcement in front of Mgr Gualtiero Sigismondi, who would have expressed to him his “gratitude for the service rendered so far”, and addressed to him his “most sincere wishes so that this election, made in all freedom as he told him himself, can guarantee peace and serenity ”.

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According to Corriere della Sera, The news did not surprise the 3,757 residents of Massa Martana, as rumors of a relationship circulated in the town and some even claimed to have seen him walking with a woman.

The news surprised his family. “Riccardo has a good character. As a young man, I had dated a woman before, maybe more, but I was not surprised when she told me that she wanted to be a priest. He’s like that, he’s sincere, ”said Mirella, his mother.

In turn, one of his cousins ​​assured that the whole family did not understand that he had become religious. “He’s a handsome boy who worked as a factory worker and who maybe would have liked to start a family,” he said.

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The decision to become a priest was motivated when a priest invited him to visit Albania. “I saw absolute poverty, I cannot complain about everything and that there are people who have nothing”, he is said to have said on his return.

“Riccardo is very dear to the people and, if it depended on him, he would continue to be a priest. He didn’t care about this life. He just fell in love, ”his cousin concluded.

The Italian priest has already been removed from his post and the relevant procedures have been launched to bring him back to the secular state.


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