A priest revealed en masse that he was homosexual | Chronic


The diocese of Haarlem asked this Monday Pierre Valkering, a gay priest from Amsterdam, Holland, who is temporarily leaving the priesthood after openly announcing his homobaduality at Sunday Mbad, which also celebrated his 25th birthday in the church of La Paz.

Valkering, 57, concluded Mbad with a speech about what he called "the big pink elephant"from the Catholic Church and he made it dressed in a pink dress, something that did not attract attention at the beginning because that is the color corresponding to the fourth Sunday of Lent.

The cover of Pierre Valkering's biography.

"Many religious are homobaduals and do not want anyone to know. That's why they revolt against this", badured Valkering in his autobiography entitled Ontkleed niet naakt staan ​​(" You are not naked ").

Already far from the church of liberty, his parish of Amsterdam, Valkering acknowledged that he had broken celibacy and that he had fallen into "bad addiction, saunas and discotheques"in the double life that he has lived since his priestly ordination, at the age of 33 years.

In addition, he acknowledged that "the priesthood was also a way out for not having to live homobadualityand saved "the theatrical aspect of the liturgy, which is very attractive"

According to Dutch TV NOS, Valkering's homobaduality was already known in a restricted circle, especially after trying unsuccessfully in 2016 to organize a "World Religion Boat" during the cruise parade organized by the Gay Pride in Amsterdam.


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