A prisoner was left for dead and was about to do an autopsy when he was suddenly resuscitated


Doctors examined him, pronounced him dead, and an hour later a coroner inspected the body. And it coincided with his colleagues’ assessment and released a third death report.

Once the body was in the morgue, the doctors realized that something was not closing. But by then, Jiménez had spent time in a cold room to preserve his body and his skin had been scalpel marked for an autopsy. The medical examiners began to hear noises coming from inside the bag. It was snoring. Montoya was not dead.

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Ante este descubrimiento el preso fue trasladado en una ambulancia a otro hospital para recuperarse de su episodio misterioso, y finally informó that it is encontraba in a condición estable, pero en cuanto a cómo pudo haber ocurrido la confusioni las primer no lugarencier what to say.

“I cannot comment on what happened at the Institute of Forensic Medicine,” a spokesperson for the Spanish prison service told media, “But three doctors have seen clinical signs of death such as rigor mortis, so it is not yet known what happened.”

The day before Jiménez was found “dead”, he complained of feeling ill, And although the exact cause of her condition is unknown, authorities have described her body as showing signs of cyanosis, a purplish discoloration of the skin caused by poor circulation or lack of oxygen.

But Jiménez was not dead. He was alive or resurrected.

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