A project for Argentinian boys has been awarded by NASA


They are young, they belong to a scientific club in Junín de los Before and were awarded by NASA for his research on mosquitoes. Marianela Pepe, Juan Wehinger and Lucio Martínez were awarded the Zika GLOBE Prevention and Education Project and the US State Department.

"We present a project on mosquitoes and their distribution around the worldMarianela recounted, her mother had a science club and that's why she created another one.Such was born the Huechulafquen Science Club, which also includes Juan and Lucio.It's a space of 39, non-formal education for young people to be interested in topics such as technology, science, engineering or mathematics.

Lucio Martínez, Juan Wehinger and Marianela Pepe, the winners of the contest. Capture: TN
Lucio Martínez, Juan Wehinger and Marianela Pepe, the winners of the contest. Capture: TN

"Our initial mosquito research was winning, so we went to Detroit's annual meeting and met with the other winners' research," said Juan Wehinger at a dialogue with TN. The boys are 16 and 17 years old and study at EPET 4 in Junín de los Andes.

In addition to the trip, the boys received another reward for continuing their work. "They gave us a camera, to record what we are doing and to keep moving forward in our investigation," added Juan.

His project, which they intend to develop, is entitled "Distribution and abundance of mosquitoes worldwide"To do this, they performed an badysis of the location and quantity of larvae according to latitude, altitude, type of habitat, comparing them to climatic conditions.

The Globe program offers students, scientists and citizens of the world the opportunity to participate in data collection, badysis and research, to contribute to the understanding of the Earth as a system.


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