A promising diet for erectile dysfunction


The benefits of the Mediterranean diet for cardiovascular health include scientific evidence support. Numerous studies have demonstrated its cardioprotective effects and one now presented at the Congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC 2021) has observed promising results for erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction, defined as inability to get or maintain an erection, is a common male problem, the prevalence of which increases with age: some studies indicate a prevalence greater than 50% in men between 40 and 70 years old, since the decrease in testosterone levels from middle age contributes to its onset.

Also known as male sexual impotence, is mainly considered to be a small artery disorder, which lose the ability to dilate and increase blood flow to the penis.

And there are certain conditions that can increase the odds, like high blood pressure. Men with high blood pressure are twice as likely to have problems getting or maintaining an erection, according to authors of work published in the journal Nutrients.

Diet, a factor to take into account

What have previous studies shown about the Mediterranean diet? What contributes to lower blood pressure, to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Based on this evidence, a team led by Athanasios Angelis, from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Athens, Greece, assessed adherence to the Mediterranean diet in middle-aged men with high blood pressure. and erectile dysfunction.

In addition, they examined whether eating habits were related to physical fitness, testosterone level, blood circulation, arterial stiffness and erectile performance.

The Mediterranean diet is a very popular eating pattern in countries like Italy, Spain and Greece, and is based on a high consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and olive oil, a modest consumption of dairy products and a limited consumption of red meat.

mediterranean diet

The study included 250 men with high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction, with an average age of 56 years.

Consumption of the Mediterranean diet was assessed using a survey and participants were scored from 0 to 55 (higher values ​​indicate greater adherence). Exercise ability was assessed using a treadmill test and testosterone was measured in blood samples taken before 9 a.m.

Regarding vascular health, a echocardiography to assess coronary flow reserve, indicating the ability to increase blood flow when needed. Values ​​of 2 or more are considered normal and indicate better vascular function.

They also looked at arterial stiffness using two measures: central pulse rate and pressure increase. Higher values ​​indicate more rigid arteries, which are associated with an increased risk of adverse cardiac events in men with erectile dysfunction.

The severity of erectile dysfunction was assessed using the Men’s Sexual Health Inventory (SHIM), which uses five questions about erectile capacity to assign a score from 0 to 25, with higher values ​​correlated with better performance.

The Mediterranean diet emphasizes a high intake of fruits, vegetables, olive oil, and whole grains.

The Mediterranean diet emphasizes a high intake of fruits, vegetables, olive oil, and whole grains.

What did you find?

That men with a higher Mediterranean diet score (greater than 29) also had a increased coronary flow reserve and testosterone, better erectile performance (SHIM score greater than 14) and lower arterial stiffness.

When the relationships were analyzed by physical condition, the researchers found that patients with increased exercise capacity (above 10 MET) had a greater reserve of coronary flow, testosterone, a Mediterranean diet score (above 25) and SHIM score (above 12) and lower arterial stiffness.

Better physical and vascular condition is associated with less erectile dysfunction.  Illustrative photo from Shutterstock.

Better physical and vascular condition is associated with less erectile dysfunction. Illustrative photo from Shutterstock.

More testosterone and sexual performance

“In our study, eating a Mediterranean diet was linked to better exercise capacity, healthier arteries and blood flow, more testosterone and better erectile performance“said Angelis from the First Cardiology Clinic at Hippokration Hospital in Athens.

“Although we have not looked at the mechanisms,” he added, “it seems plausible that this diet could improve physical condition and erectile performance by improving blood vessel function and limiting the drop in testosterone that occurs in middle age. “

And he concluded: “The results suggest that the Mediterranean diet may play a role. role in maintaining various health parameters vascular and quality of life and in middle-aged men with hypertension and erectile dysfunction ”.


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