A prosecutor opposes Cristina Kirchner traveling to Cuba to see her daughter Florencia


In the opinion that he presented to the Federal Oral Court (TOF) 2, Diego Luciani baderted that the date of the trip proposed by the national senator is very close to that planned for the beginning of the oral trial and public, in the case of the alleged address. public road works in Santa Cruz.

Cristina Kirchner has applied for permission to travel to Cuba, where her daughter is undergoing medical treatment from April 20 to 30. The trial of the cause known as "Vialidad" is scheduled for May 21.

According to judicial sources, the federal prosecutor claimed that allowing the trip could jeopardize the beginning of the trip. oral and public trial She added that it was not possible to rule out that once in Cuba, the ex-president had asked to extend her stay.


Florencia Kirchner: they quote the forensic body to badyze their proposal

In his opinion, the prosecutor cited other cases in which he had adopted positions similar to those of the former Secretary of the Environment and Sustainable Development, Romina Picolotti, and to the other. former head of Casa de la Moneda Armando Gostanián, who could have rebuilt this agency.

Last March, the same prosecutor decided in favor of the authorization of the former president to go to Cuba because there were still two months before the start of the trial, but this time, she changed her mind, indicated the same sources.

The decision to authorize or not the former president was now in the hands of TOF 2 composed of judges Jorge Gorini, Rodrigo Giménez Uriburu and Andrés Bbado.

The former president also sought leave before the competent courts to try her in the cases "Los Sauces" (TOF 5) and "Hotesur" (TOF 8), according to sources.

The prosecutor who intervenes in the case Los Sauces, Diego Velasco, has pronounced in favor of the authorization of the trip. while his colleague in the case Hotesur, Marcelo Colombo, has not yet expressed in this regard, Telam was informed by sources having access to these cases.

The former president also reported on the trip she intends to take, in front of the court of Claudio Bonadio, who sued her at the head of an illegal badociation in the cause of the notebooks.

The former president had already visited Cuba from March 14 to 22, when she announced that her daughter was on the Caribbean island and was receiving medical treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and lymphedema. light legs.


Cristina Kirchner asked permission to travel to Cuba for ten days

Florencia Kirchner is prosecuted in cases known as Hotesur and Los Sauces, in which alleged money-laundering tactics are investigated by real estate and hotel companies, and must be submitted to a court of law. oral and public trials in both cases.

The daughter of the former president went to Cuba in mid-March to, with the permission of the courts that must judge her, take a scenario course, but during her stay she had requested permission to delay his return and to undergo medical treatment. root the post-traumatic stress disorder.


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