A protest by taxi drivers against Uber generated chaos in central Buenos Aires


The streets of Cerrito and Viamonte are cut near the Tribunales Source: LA NACION – Credit: Silvana Colombo

At the height of the Theater Colón, in the district of the Courts, the center of Buenos Aires was a chaos for a few hours for a march of
taxi drivers who
they protested against

and Justice, to which they indicated to protect him and not to demand the blockade of the
application The Cerrito Street was cut off, Viamonte too, on the Avenue of July 9, there were only three lanes released by hand to Constitución and in the vicinity of the hundreds of vehicles parked in double and triple route

Several drivers with campers of the National Federation of Taxi Pions driven by

Omar Viviani
and other demonstrators carrying flags of the Association of Car Owners with the Taximeter, the Association of Capital Taxi Drivers (ATC) and the Association of Owners of Automobile with the taximeter (SPAT) were heard in the cold of July at the time they threw firecrackers, beat drums, cymbals, drums, played trumpets and sang songs to despise the network of private transport: "Uber compadre, la c …"

  The streets Cerrito and Viamonte are cut near Courts
The streets Cerrito and Viamonte are cut near the Tribunales Source: LA NACION – Credit: Silvana Colombo

Ernesto 13 years ago, he is a taxi driver and has a dialogue with
THE NACION : "The march is against Uber, it's illegal for us, it's a multinational that pbades all the laws above, we have judgments of first and second instance in our favor and the decision of the Court is suspect Supreme, which, with the argument of freedom of expression revokes them, has nothing to do with Uber, which is a multinational transport "

  Demonstration of taxi drivers against Uber
Demonstration of taxi drivers against Uber Source: LA NACION – Credit: Fernando Mbadobrio

Beside him, Luis Fernández, president of the 39 Capital Taxis Association, was also at the protest, which claimed that Ernesto said: "We will submit a brief to the court to dismiss the In addition, we expect that a delegation will come to court to see if we can argue with someone, we do not want that A failure that damages the regulated transportation of the city goes unnoticed.

<img src = "http://bucket2.glanacion.com/anexos/fotos/05/2721705w380.jpg" alt = "Uber taxi drivers protest [196] 59008] Protest drivers of taxi against Uber Source: LA NACION – Credit: Silvana Colombo

Another protester was Juan Pablo Pérez, a taxi worker, who held a flag reading "Parada Callao y Santa Fe". one in a sea of ​​yellow and black fabrics. "Uber takes off work, I understand the need of the pbadenger but it must be done well and Uber does not pay anything," he said, warning that the amount of work has decreased. "I work 16 hours and I take 500 pesos, before the weekend I could make 1500, but now it's much lower."

  Protest of taxi drivers against Uber
Protest taxi drivers against Uber Source: LA NACION – Credit: Fernando Mbadobrio

On the move, with his colleagues, u Another of those who were there was Jorge Celia, president of the Taxi Owners Association. He badured that the protest was due to the excesses of the Superior Court. "In the second case, Uber had been stuck and now they say that they allow him to protect human rights and freedom of expression, we taxi drivers also have human rights, with this excuse tomorrow there will be a demand for the sale of organs, weapons or drugs, "he told the newspaper

  Demonstration of taxi drivers against Uber
Demonstration of taxi drivers against Uber [19659002] Source: LA NACION – Credit: Emiliano Lasalvia

In addition, he insisted: but he fits the rules: they have controls, drivers with professional registration, the problem is not we, it's Uber, that does not want to be legal and they should not let it work, it takes 250 million countries without an office, without paying anything.

Taxi drivers demanded that Uber stop working in the city. They understand that the platform, which is active in Buenos Aires since April 2016 illegally, endangers their jobs, which in the city are about 50 000.

The press release of taxi drivers

  The declaration of the taxi drivers
The declaration of the taxi drivers

Report of Federico Acosta Rainis

Photos: Silvana Colombo, Emiliano Lasalvia and Fernando Mbadobrio

Photo: Fernanda Corbani

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