A rabid bison blew a baby in the air | Chronic


A violent incident occurred in Yellowstone National Parks when a girl who was walking around with her family approached without worrying about a buffalo that was in place.

The authorities issued a statement to the media in which they reported that the child had survived the attack and had been transferred to a nearby hospital where she was recovering from injuries.

According to witnesses, about 50 people were within one to three meters of the buffalo for 20 minutes. At one point, the animal hit the group unexpectedly and it was at that point that it hit the piba.

The accident was recorded by one of the visitors and the video quickly circulated on social networks. In the pictures, we see the animal grazing in a field, apparently calm, but shortly after, it goes to the area where the visitors are.

The victim

The victim, age 9, was from Odessa, Florida, and was released after being examined and treated by medical staff. In the meantime, the park authorities indicated that the incident was being investigated, but they reminded the public that wildlife in the area is wild and that they should take precautions.


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