A rare condition turns the skin of the child into "stone"


Jaiden Rogers, age 13, suffers from a rare disease that turns her skin into "stone".

Roger and his adoptive parents, living in Colorado, United States, and are currently raising funds to cover the treatments that are very expensive, said People magazine.

The child is the 41 person who was diagnosed with stiff skin syndrome, a connective tissue disorder that progresses rapidly and makes the skin hard as a stone.

Since the minor began his treatment, his parents have already exhausted more than 600 thousand dollars from their retirement in addition, they had to mortgage their house to finance the medical expenses.

Jaiden's father was the first to notice that something was wrong with his son when noticed a small bump under his skin on his right thigh. "In a few weeks, the tumor became so big that it completely wrapped the thigh, and once the hard calcifications invaded the joint, Jaiden began to lose mobility," he said. said his mother, Natalie Rogers.

The disease can cause limited joint mobility, weak muscles and pain . Very little is known about the condition, including the cause or treatment.

The child had to leave school and has to move around in a wheelchair because of the progression of his illness. According to his doctors, the syndrome spread very aggressively through different parts of his body, preventing him from moving his joints.

"In a month he spread to Jaiden's left leg, both hips, bad and arms. Points recently appeared near his spine " said Natlie.

According to several media reports, the child is receiving chemotherapy to help slow the progression of their disease. He also takes powerful painkillers that can make him sleep up to 18 hours a day.

Her parents are aiming to raise more than $ 2 million to use special stem cell treatment for rare skin diseases in Europe.

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