A regional session of Celiaquia took place in Vicente López


It was realized in the Honorable Deliberative Council of Vicente López, the third regional day of celiac disease, organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Human Development. The gastroenterologist specialist, Eduardo Cueto Rua, was the main speaker of the event.

"It is a pleasure to receive for the second time Dr. Eduardo Cueto Rua, a very prestigious specialist, at the Deliberative Council on Celiac Disease." Said the counselor for change, Graciela Menéndez, before the beginning of the day.

Then, the secretary of health and human development of the commune, Fernando Tejo, added: "This conference is an opening to the community.Crue Cueto Rua has the advantage of having a clear vocabulary and I think it's an important driver for that from that moment on, they start to become aware and become controls, those who do not usually do it. "

A trip that lasted nearly three hours, was in charge of the renowned gastroenterologist, who explained all the details of the disease and tried that those who suffer, do not see it as something bad, saying: "There are 484 foods for humanity, celiac freely eats 480. "

And then he added," Parents need to know very well how they talk to a son when he is celiac. "Being able to eat everything, to do it grimace because he's not eating black cake, it's an injustice.

Celiac disease is a permanent intolerance to wheat, the & # 39; oats, to & # 39; barley and rye. and a large percentage of those who suffer from it are not yet diagnosed.

In Vicente López, the municipal government attacks this problem by collaborating with different sectors of government, "because many children with this disease go to school and sports fields and in these places during the day they must have prepared gluten-free meals, "says the general director of primary care of the commune, Anabella Divinsky.

In addition, since 2012 the ordinance 32.159 is in force, which establishes the city as friendly and inclusive for people with celiac disease

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