A replica of Noah’s ark has been held in England because it does not have a maritime traffic license


An international incident of biblical proportions began on the waterfront in Ipswich. A Dutch replica of the Noah’s ark She has currently been detained there for over 18 months because she does not have the correct documents to say she is airworthy, resulting in a diplomatic dispute and fines of $ 700 per day.

The ship came to Orwell wharf in November 2019 and was retained by the coast guard. The owners of the Dutch-flagged arch are caught in an “impossible impasse” with the agency, and Transportation Secretary Grant Shapps has now been asked to get involved.

The floating museum of 70 meters long $ 3.7 million is 61 years old belongs to the Dutch television producer Aad Peters, who could request an exemption to be able to return to the Netherlands. But coast guard has serious concerns and insists he is not sure. They said: “Noah’s Ark will remain in custody until all deficiencies have been corrected and the owners invite an expert from MCA to verify that they have been corrected. “.

“We have concerns about this ship and we cannot trust the grace of God to tow it safely to the Netherlands.”the Coast Guard and Coast Guard Agency said in the reports.

The ship was scheduled to leave on April 1, but due to stagnation has since racked up £ 500 a day in fines. The Coast Guard discovered various issues, including overdue services for recovery equipment like life jackets, first aid kits and lifeboats. They stressed that they could not ‘trust in the grace of God’ To let the ship go

The owner said he has always been classified as a “Uncertified floating object” and that he had only left his country of origin in a “Rare and exceptional”, according to the newspaper Ipswich star .

The owners said in a statement: “The requirement to obtain the full registration and required certificates was and may not be met within the required timeframe and would result in unreasonable costs and delays for the vessel.

And they added that “Towing plans have been made for the Ark to return to the Netherlands and the vessel is still awaiting towing approval to leave the UK. “

Now problems have arisen due to documents obtained through freedom of information laws that the Coast Guard and Coast Guard Agency (MCA) in which the Ark is not considered airworthy. She also cannot sail under the Dutch flag although she is registered there, the key certification is missing and since April 1 the vessel has accumulated a fine of $ 700 per day.

“Towing plans have been drawn up for the return of the Arche to the Netherlands and the vessel is still awaiting the towing authorization to leave the United Kingdom”, the owners of the ark point out.

“The owners have continuously researched a way (of release) and (an authorization) to be towed in a single trip from the UK to the Netherlands, with an agreed towing plan.”

Aad Peters He bought the ark in 2010 and it was thanks to a team of 50 skilled craftsmen that he repaired it. It took him five months to create the museum, with wood carvings depicting biblical stories such as Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and the Nativity.


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