A retiree tried Moderna’s vaccine and a month later was killed by lightning


A retiree who received the Moderna coronavirus vaccine was struck by lightning a month after the dose was given, the Daily Star reported.

The 72-year-old victim suffered a freak accident 28 days after receiving the dose in the United States.

Doctors diagnosed her with an arrhythmia, which was allegedly caused by lightning. No further details about the victim were provided. His name was hidden.

The bizarre incident was listed as one of three serious adverse events (SAEs) experienced by volunteers who participated in the Moderna trial, although it is clear that it was a stroke of luck.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) discussed the safety of the new vaccine in a statement and found that the three reported health issues were unrelated to the vaccine itself.

The FDA report said: “As of December 6, 2020, three serious adverse reactions have been reported in the vaccinated group: a 65-year-old participant with community-acquired pneumonia 25 days after vaccination, a 72-year-old participant with arrhythmia after being struck by lightning 28 days after vaccination, and an 87-year-old participant with worsening chronic bradycardia 45 days after vaccination. “

“In the FDA review of the stories, none of these adverse effects were assessed to be related. No cases of severe COVID19 were reported in the study,” they added.

Moderna’s vaccine, whose official name is mRNA-1273, has been rated 94% safe and effective by the United States government. It could be put into service this afternoon, Friday December 19.


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