A revolutionary test tells you if you will die in the next 10 years | Chronic


German scientists were able to determine by a blood test if a patient died in the near future. Although the test is not yet available to the public, specialists have been able to predict the deaths of 5,512 people – produced between the ages of two and 16 – with an accuracy of 83%, according to the Daily Mail website.

The first thing scientists did at the Max Planck Institute of Aging Biology, located in Cologne, Germany, was to badyze the information of 44,000 people aged 18 to 109, both men and women. women of European descent who participated in other studies at some point. of their lives

So they managed to find 14 "metabolic biomarkers", that indicate the existence of particular diseases or ailments of an organism, such as cholesterol, glucose level, blood pressure or body mbad index. In addition, the presence of coronary heart disease or cancer has been taken into account.

Biomarkers have been integrated into a system that can predict, based on their indicators, how long the person will live.

The test is not yet available to the public, but scientists expect it to become an identical test to the one used to detect infections and be used to determine, for example, whether or not to operate a test. patient Your biomarkers


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