A school has collapsed in Nigeria and 100 children are trapped


A three-story building housing a primary school collapsed Wednesday in the Nigerian city of Lagos, leaving more than a hundred children trapped, according to the regional government.

The rescue teams are trying to recover the bodies, but it is feared that some children will have died in clbad when the collapse took place.

"Rescue operations of the Lagos State Rescue Unit are underway in a building that has collapsed in the Lagiaji area on the island of Lagos", said the state government on his Twitter account. .

It is a three-storey building that housed a primary school in the latter, located on the island of Lagos, a core of the city that is connected by road to the rest of the city and that acts as a Lagos dike. Prince Adams, witness of the tragedy, quoted by local newspaper The Punch, said he removed 10 students from the rubble without specifying whether they were alive or dead, while the neighborhood is completely congested. "It's terrible, parents are crying," Adams told the newspaper.

Local media reported that more than a hundred children could be trapped, while some students have already been transferred to a nearby hospital.


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