A scientific experiment considers the opening of a "portal to the parallel world"


Physics Leah Broussard, of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Tennessee, USA), is about to demonstrate this summer the existence of a mirror universe composed of a material similar to that of our world, according to NBC.

It is probably a type of dark matter, which accounts for about 85% of the universe and can only be observed by its gravitational influence.

"It presents itself as a perfect copy of the particles and interactions of the standard model so that parity and inversion of time are exact symmetries and that it interacts very weakly with our known universe, mainly by gravitation ", explains a study published in 2017 by a team of scientists led by Broussard.

However, the scientist thinks that dark matter can be detected if a beam of subatomic particles accelerated by a powerful magnet collides with an impenetrable wall. If the theory of mirror material is correct, some of these particles will become "mirror images" of themselves and will continue their movement behind the barrier.

"It's a fairly simple experiment that we improvised with discovered pieces, using the material and resources we already had in Oak Ridge," said Broussard.

Despite its simplicity, the experience – which journalists describe as "an attempt to open a portal to the parallel world" – may disprove the worldview created by conventional physics, the scientist explains.

"If you discover something new like this, the game changes completely," he says.

Although he does not believe that it is possible to find an intelligent life in the mirror universe, he does not doubt that it is no less complex than ours.

"It is unlikely that there are people in dark matter (…) but it is very likely that the dark matter is as rich as ours," says Broussard.




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