A security camera recorded two men moving a body in a supermarket cart


A security camera recorded a scene worthy of a horror movie: two men pushed a corpse into a supermarket cart in the middle of the street with a corpse at the top. The sequence took place in the neighborhood of Harlem, New York.

according to The New York Post, the video was recorded during the first hours of Thursday. The suspects walk in peace near the intersection of West 145th Street and Bradhurst Avenue. During the recording, which lasts less than a minute, you can see how both they get rid of the body in a corner and go away.

The men who got rid of the body were not identified. (Photo: video capture)
The men who got rid of the body were not identified. (Photo: video capture)

That morning, a young man who went to the gym found the body lying on the asphalt. I was wrapped in a blanket, feet uncovered. Discouraged by the situation, the witness immediately called the police.

When the police arrived at the scene, they discovered that the remains belonged to Anthony Lewis, a 27-year-old man. Later, forensic doctors confirmed that he had been killed by a blow in the chest and a blow to the head.

Until now, the authorities have not located the two suspects who got rid of the body. Because of their attitude, investigators believe that they may have been involved in the crime.


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