a senator and a deputy, to the blows in Congress


Opposition senator Henry Montero (We believe) and official deputy Antonio Gabriel Colque (MAS) exchanged fists this afternoon in Congress, during an interpellation to the minister of the Bolivian government, Eduardo del Castillo, for the arrest of the de facto ex-president Jeanine ñez.

In the middle of the session, insults, kicks and punches were recorded, reported Página Siete Digital.

Del Castillo was questioned by the Plurinational Legislature about the arrest of Añez, who is in preventive detention for sedition and violation of the Constitution, among others.

During questioning, the minister alluded to the deaths in Senkata and Sacaba in the context of the post-electoral conflict of 2019 and also requested a minute of silence that members of the MAS assembly accompanied by posters “Justice “.

The government ministry accused members of the Creemos assembly of interrupting and attacking during the session.

For this reason, he ordered that “a fourth intermission be declared at the interpellation of the government minister, Eduardo del Castillo.

But around this time, Cree MP for Santa Cruz, Tatiana Añez and her MAS counterpart for El Alto, María Alanoca, also clashed.

The videos show that they both grabbed their hair. (Telam)


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