A senior Chilean military official told Piñera: "We are not at war" | Chronic


The Chief of National Defense and the maximum authority of the military operation deployed to Chile during the massive demonstrations that began Thursday, the general Javier Iturriagahe told the president Sebastian Piñera stating that "is not at war with anyone"as the president said.

The military leader gave an early morning press conference to take stock of what happened early in the metropolitan area after the weekend protests. In this context, Iturriaga would have been "pleasant" with what they saw during the Santiago air tour and was surprised to differentiate the tone with which Piñera evoked the situation in the country.

READ MORE: <a href = "https://www.cronica.com.ar/mundo/El- president of Chilesays the country is at war with a powerful enemy 20191020-0167.html "target =" _ blank ">The President of Chile declared that his country was "at war with a powerful enemy"

"I am a happy man, I am not at war with anyone" He answered a question from a columnist asking him if he was in agreement with the statements of the president, who said last night that the country was at war, according to a viral video on Twitter and local media reports.

Piñera shook the war scene at a press conference last night, surrounded by soldiers, in which he claimed "at war against a powerful and implacable enemy who respects nothing and whoever it is".

According to the Chilean President, "The only goal" of this enemy is that of "Produce as much damage as possible" and added: "They are at war with all Chileans who want to live in democracy".

READ MORE: <a href = "https://www.cronica.com.ar/mundo/ Chile-the-bleeds-10-dead-after-clashes-and-looting-20191021-0016.html "target =" _ blank "> Chile bleeds: 10 dead after clashes and looting

In his statements, Iturriaga confirmed that 8,700 army and police troops were deployed in the metropolitan area of ​​Santiago, but felt that "They are not enough to contain the situation". However, the emergency officer said the capital was calm and was trying to return to normal.

"I ask you to help me spread the tranquility in the population so that she can resume her normal activities.It is planned to open 16 supermarkets in some communes so that the population can lead a life." as normal as possible "added the army.


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