A serious accident on Highway 3 near Garayalde cost the life of a 9-year-old boy



The tragic event occurred this Sunday at noon about 140 kilometers north of Comodoro Rivadavia. On the national road No. 3 to the oil city was driving a car driven by a woman and her 9 year old son

08/07/2018 16:28

Everything would indicate that the driver of the vehicle lost control of the vehicle. even as a result of the frost and this caused it to spill, giving various tumble and being on the side of the road.

Before the thing happened the woman managed to approach the road to ask for help and he stopped in the middle of the same. At that time a service van circulated that suddenly found the woman and trying to dodge it too upset. In this case, no one was seriously injured .

The driver of the utility helped the woman who was desperate to ask her son. Unfortunately, the scene was great when they could see the child under the car, already lifeless .

While informally transcending the woman's name, official police confirmations are expected. The driver of the vehicle was transferred to the Comodoro Regional Hospital where she is hospitalized.

Source: Vía Comodoro Rivadavia .


Road Accident


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