A seven-storey building collapses in the Brazilian city of Fortaleza | Internationale


Images taken by residents of the seven-storey collapsed residential building in Fortaleza.

A seven-storey residential building collapsed Tuesday in the Brazilian city of Fortaleza, capital of the state of Ceará (north-east of the country), at 10.30 local time (13.30 GMT). At least nine people are still under the rubble, according to the fire department and nine others were rescued after the collapse of the property in the district of Dionísio Torres. In the morning, the fire department and the Public Security Bureau reported the death of a person on Tuesday morning; Governor Camilo Santana said, however, that no dead bodies were found in the rubble.

Witnesses and neighbors said they saw people inside the building at the time of the collapse and that some of them left the building shortly after hearing a loud noise. At least four ambulances are in place to assist the wounded and The hospital of the Dr. Jose Frota Institute is preparing to welcome possible victims.

"We have three firefighting teams working and coordinating here," Lieutenant Romario Fernandes said in an interview with G1. Two civilian defense teams are also working on the scene. A sound analysis is underway in the area to try to locate the victims. Firefighters have evacuated all neighbors because there is always a risk of explosion due to gas leakage and electric shock because the collapse has affected the wiring. Several surrounding streets are also blocked.

About four months ago, another building also partially collapsed in Fortaleza. At that time, 16 families living on site were hastily evacuated as the building was likely to collapse completely. A report released two days earlier by an engineer excluded the risk of collapse. The case was reviewed by the Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy of Ceará (CREA-CE).


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