a shoot with three weekly samples


Among the many things that devastated the Eternal Quarantine 2020, there is Argentine fiction production. The April one sucked. To see vernacular stories, you had to take refuge in the Diffusion, on the cable or on the old tubes that some air channels dared to dust. Even with the pandemic now the blessed cry of action is heard again, almost more as an outlet than a hint of recording. And one of the first sounded loud, precisely, in confinement.

Three weeks ago, the shooting of The marginal 4, one of the precious jewels of television in recent years. The closing of the third part (in August 2019), with a poetic and suspenseful ending, had left the public wanting more.

But with controlled anxiety, because it was assumed that in 2020 we would see why the Borges brothers (Claudius Rissi and Nicolas furtado) met Pastor again, the character Juan Minujín played in the first season, and then disappeared.

Sure, he disappeared because the story backed off as a prequel, but now the story is moving forward, in the direction that the television industry marks as a sequel. As this new batch of episodes of the Underground series – which is already part of the Telemundo network – has for first destination the Netflix screen, everything is mystery and secret under seven keys, faithful to the style of the platform.

But Bugle could find out pearls that will allow the premiere to be throbbing, scheduled for the end of this year.

As Caseros prison was no longer available, the production had to find a new space for keep burning the flame of this tumbera story. So, with artistic director Julia Freid at the helm, an abandoned factory in Boedo has been recycled to make it look like a three-story maximum security prison and thousands of linear meters of bars.

There it was possible to record the end of the third, with the return of the pastor.

Now the narrative framework is renamed Old Bridge Prison, whose maximum authority will be interpreted by one of the incorporations of this season: Rodolfo Ranni.

And, there yes, 90s viewers are guaranteed a wink, especially for fans of Risk zone, since Ranni and Gerardo Romano they will work together again. Already they won’t have a love story like the one they told: now Romano will be the security secretary (before he was in charge of the San Onofre prison).

So the third season ended, with Diosito and Mario Borges facing the return of Pastor.  Great narrative hook.

So the third season ended, with Diosito and Mario Borges facing the return of Pastor. Great narrative hook.

To Rissi (Marito Borges), Furtado (Diosito), Romano (Antín) and Martina Gusman (Emma Molinari), among others, They will also be joined by Luis Luque, who will give this season’s villain.

Once the records of these seven episodes and before they reach the Netflix catalog, immediately the subway people with Sebastian ortega and Pablo Culell in front) the shooting of the fifth part will begin, whose sticks are still being traced. In all, this year there will be 14 episodes, half of which will not be issued until 2022, if the pandemic takes pity on this world.

But as it is still latent and with alarming figures in Argentina, the teams of The misfit 4 are worked with rigorous protocols, including three weekly samples.

Directed by Alejandro Ciancio and Mariano Ardanaz, and books by Omar Quiroga – in front of a team of authors -, the series is carried out on a wheelie of two units: one in Boedo and the other in different parts of Greater Buenos Aires.

As for its broadcast, it will have a new dynamic: no longer on the air (the third said goodbye on the State screen), but will have an exclusive premiere on Netflix. It has not yet been determined whether the story can later be part of public television programming..

While The marginal 4 comes to life on set, Ortega and Culell are also working on Telemundo’s idea of ​​making fictions in Argentina for international platforms. One of the projects is to adapt History of a clan, about the horror of the Puccio family, a unit that has worked really well for Telefe.

Juan Minujín is once again the pastor, the central character of the first season.

Juan Minujín is once again the pastor, the central character of the first season.

With Underground as the local hub for the chain’s operations, editions of the new Biography, for National Geographic: This year the life and work of Andres Calamaro and Mercedes Sosa, among other musicians.


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