A shot at a commercial drive left 19 dead and 40 injured in Texas


Police sources quoted by US media have identified the suspect as Patrick Wood Crusius, a native of Dallas, Texas.

Local media carried the death toll to 22 and said there were four children among them, said the ANSA agency.

Among the wounded, nine of whom are in critical condition this afternoon, there are at least two children, a spokesman for the Del Sol sanatorium told CBS TV.

The local television channel KTSM – a subsidiary of NBC News – presented a video in which the alleged perpetrator of the mbadacre entered the mall dressed in a black shirt and shorts, with a hearing protector and an badault rifle.

ABC stated that the witnesses confirmed that these images correspond to what they observed.

The incident began around 11 am (13 in Argentina), when the police of El Paso received the warning to intervene outside the Cielo Vista shopping center.

According to preliminary information, the event was allegedly caused by at least one armed man who allegedly shot at the Walmart supermarket branch located in this mall, which at that time was crowded.

An hour and a half later, the police warned Twitter's citizens to stay away as the scene was "still active" and the shooting was "going on".

More than four hours later, the city police estimated that the situation was "under provisional control" and investigated whether another person had participated in the shooting, force spokesman Sergeant Robert Gomez said. of a press conference.

Gomez gave no details on the evolution of the incident nor on the number of casualties and only stated that there were "several dead" and "several wounded", according to EFE .

Warning! Images may affect your sensitivity

Matheo Gelves on Twitter

# WARNING: New shoot in the United States. This time the events took place at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas. At least 18 people were hit by bullets, including "several dead," police said. News in development. Sensitive images * pic.twitter.com/FplWMzFKJj

– Matheo Gelves (@TheoGelves) August 3, 2019

Rochex R. Robinson Bonilla on Twitter

#USA #LAST HOUR | Iforma police arrested three people related to the shooting near the store #Walmart in the collar #Texas. Several SWAT teams, FBI agents and the Office of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) responded to the emergency. pic.twitter.com/W7bUrgEg2G

– Rochex R. Robinson Bonilla (@ RochexRB27) August 3, 2019

Telemundo News on Twitter


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