A six-month-old baby died after eating honey: he had botulism – 05/02/2019


A six-month-old baby died after his parents gave him honey and botulism. The case has occurred in the Adachi district of Tokyo, Japan, and was reported by the newspaper The Japan Times. According to the publication, a month ago, they gave her honey mixed with a juice.

The recommendation of pediatricians and nutritionists is that children can only eat honey after the first year of life. This just happens because of the risk of contamination by bacteria Clostridium botulinum which causes botulism.

Honey is not recommended for children under one year old.

Honey is not recommended for children under one year old.

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The bacteria is harmless in honey, but can be deadly when it contaminates a baby's large intestine because toxins that cause a serious neurological disorder are released.

The parents of the child in question argued that they did not know the risk of honey. And they said that they gave honey and juice to the baby for six months because they thought it was good for their health.

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The boy was admitted after having convulsions and difficulty breathing. The examinations carried out at the hospital revealed that the honey was contaminated.

The minor was left one month internedbut unfortunately he did not resist and died. It is important to note that botulism is so dangerous for children under one year old, as their digestive system is still very premature and that this bacteria only produces a toxin that affects the intestines .


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