A soldier committed suicide after being gang raped in the army | the Chronicle


US Army Soldier Kills Himself After Being Raped By His Companions. Her mother assures us that the young woman lodged a complaint but that the authorities never followed up on this case.

It is Morgan robinson, who at age 21 joined the United States Army, to fulfill her childhood dream of becoming a soldier and serving her nation. After spending six years in the National Guard, in 2016, she was informed that she would be transferred for the first time out of her country, to Kuwait, where the nightmare began.

According to his mother, Debbie robinson, when the young woman was in Kuwait, she was sexually assaulted by one of her superiors, who continually harassed him. “At that time, my daughter lodged the corresponding complaint but nothing happened”, the woman assured the local media.

So, Morgan was sent to Afghanistan and was raped again, but this time en masse by several of her companions.. “She was very scared, because they threatened her. Plus, she knew her complaint was going nowhere. Nothing happened in Kuwait with the sexual assault and harassment, so why would they do it? something in Afghanistan? “Said Debbie.

Finally, in 2018, Morgan committed suicide month later James mattis, then secretary of defense, said there was no tolerance for sexual assault. “Although casualties on the battlefield are a reality of war, we will not accept casualties due to sexual assault in our military family.”, had said.

Now and after the brand new election of the new government, Debbie is desperate for and hoping that justice will be done for her daughter. “She was doing a job that she loved, and she was doing it for her country. And to think that this is what took her life, is what broke her … They wanted him and her body. took the soul “, noticed.

“The military are responsible for his death, because of the way they didn’t deal with what happened. They can’t control themselves. How can you investigate yourself? ‘is not possible “, added.

At the end, he assured that he was trying to cover up what had happened to his daughter and said that the documents from the official investigation into his daughter’s suicide appear with paragraphs crossed out. Now the army promises to carry out a “full investigation” and take appropriate action against the accused.


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