A stab in the heart of the history of Bolson | L …


From Brasilia

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva questioned the authenticity of the stab wound inflicted on Jair Bolsonaro during the election campaign last year. This unleashed the anger of the former captain whose credibility is low, like his minister Sergio Moro, the former judge of the Lava Jato case denounced for manipulating the process to the detriment of Lula.

"Honestly, I would say that this hack (against Bolsonaro) has something odd, strange," said the former president to the TVT TV channel that had interviewed him at the Superintendence of the Federal Police of Curitiba, where he was imprisoned for a fixed term of Moro. .

On September 6, 2018, the then-candidate, Bolsonaro, was carried on a litter by his supporters during an act of proselytizing, surrounded by security agents, when a man came out of the crowd and attacked him with an object at the height of his belly, as evidenced by a homemade video. whose images are imprecise.

During the interview, the head of the PT rebuilt what happened in Juiz de Fora, a town in the interior of Minas Gerais. "It was a stabbing after which no blood appeared, the guy who stabbed right away was protected by Bolsonaro's bodyguards.I know security is in a rally. I had to jump on my bodyguards so that they would not kill the suspect and that would not happen. final, there are many strange and suspicious stories. "

A few hours after the publication of the report, Bolsonaro quoted the press for an interview and a breakfast at the Palacio del Plbadto. "Does any one think that I would have enough money and influence to put together such a thing?", He asked while watching the journalists and his cup of coffee on a long table with a white tablecloth. "Lula said that the wound was not bleeding, of course if the dagger had been in the belly, he would have taken a lot of cachaça (..) I'm excited when I talk about this case because I felt that death was near" .

The questions asked at Curitiba Prison found an untold story whose sole mention makes the retired military soldier uncomfortable in the 2018 elections, to which favorite Lula was unable to participate due to 39, a curious judicial decision.

General Auguto Heleno, Chief Minister of the Institutional Security Cabinet, another participant at Plbadto's breakfast, was as outraged as Bolsonaro at the suspicion that "facada" was fraud. Lula has called him a "thug" and deserves "life imprisonment," said the general last Friday on his way to the table.

The explosions of the general and the captain "show us that they are desperate" to see how a scandal occurs after the other and that the "false moralism" no longer takes effect, obscures the sociologist Jesse Souza, author of Radiografía del golpe and Subciudadanía brasileña.

The mere suspicion of stab wounds causes the heart to lose its power, which is not enough to guarantee that the attack was another of the many false information disseminated by Bolsonaro during the campaign, given the lack of evidence. In the same way, it is almost naïve to be satisfied with the official version in the form of shots of effect and insufficient explanations.

Until this year, Bolsonaro has repeatedly mentioned, addressing journalists and evangelical temples, that surviving the attack was a miracle by which God had entrusted him with the mission of governing Brazil. To confirm the truth of the incident, he usually says, and he did it again last week, operated by a group of recognized doctors from Albert Einstein Hospital who are above all suspicion.

The fact is that these doctors have never convincingly explained why, after they released, they had banned Bolsonaro from participating in debates with the other candidates in the days leading up to the elections, but the only reason for this was that they had been banned. allowed to grant interviews to friendly journalists.

Shortly after his election, he also did not explain why and while he was still carrying a bag of colostomy attached to the intestine, Bolsonaro was filmed while exercising. inappropriate physical activities for a convalescent, like more than ten pumps that he made in a police barracks in Brasilia late 2018

Although these and other issues are waiting to be resolved, the truth is that the attack was consistent with the Bolivarian strategy and that the alleged perpetrator, Adelio Bispo de Oliveira, was acquitted last week by a judge who had ordered his hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital. Lula had already hinted at his suspicions in another interview given to Curitiba, but it was the first time that he had such an impact.

Something that coincides with the crisis of credibility that affects the government aggravated after the scandal revealed by the website The Intercept on the complicity of Moro and prosecutors Lava Jato. This electronic medium edited by North American journalist Glenn Greenward retransmitted conversations in which Moro gave instructions to prosecutors to convict Lula despite the lack of evidence.

The unlawfulness of Lava Jato's boss does not stop there: according to Greenwald's latest articles, solidly documented, Moro also asked prosecutors to proceed with a selective whistleblowing, putting the focus on the former principal and other PTs. Moro is the firm's most popular official and plays (or plays) the role of Ethical Guarantor to a prematurely worn leadership. Veja magazine, which at the time was a flag bearer of Lava Jato, published on the cover of its latest edition a bust of Moro collapsing under the title "Fall in pieces". Bolsonaro also does not seem to trust his minister, and he proved that weekend by saying that he only trusted "one hundred percent" to his mother and father.


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