A strange terrestrial phenomenon surprised in India – News


A strange terrestrial phenomenon, which for the moment has no scientific explanation, surprises in India.

The unusual event was recorded in the state of Haryana. The shoot had over 6 million visits and was posted by user Jagat Vani on his account. Facebook.

In the pictures you can see how a piece of land rises. The fact has aroused the curiosity of users and some of them have stripped down some theories, which still require official verification.

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“It’s a new experience. It’s amazing. The earth rises on its own. We have no idea what’s going on,” we hear men say in the pictures as they watch a part of the ground move.

One of the first hypotheses is that the event was triggered by tectonic activities.

Other users have suggested that the earth was lifted by the methane gas trapped below.

Although there is still no official information in this regard, he was warned that this was a dangerous location and passers-by were advised not to walk through this space.

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