A student spreads images of when a teacher harasses her


A law student from the University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH), Mexico, recorded a video in which it is observed that one of her teachers badually harbaded her in a car after the Allegedly summoned to review her exam.

The video was posted on the Facebook page of Unity Unit by a university without harbadment, where it is explained that the student failed to the subject taught by the teacher. So, when he asked for an explanation, he quoted it elsewhere than at the university. He asked her to accompany him to create a personal theme, which would not be long, but he started to play it and tried to do the same.

In the recording that the young woman managed to capture and which became viral, we can see how the teacher touches her leg, then says "touch her back" and, given the refusal to the student, she takes her hand and places in her area. bad, above the pants.

To integrate

Later, he says to the young woman: "I want to kiss there, do not you?", But faced with a new refusal, he takes her hand again to place it in his bad area when he says "put your hands down".

"Through this platform, we ask today that justice be done to our partner, who, as well as hundreds of Nicolaitas, are harbaded daily by professors of the university," denounced the l & # 39; 39; organization.

The group reported that after the video was posted, three other students sent him messages accusing the same teacher of harbadment and shared screenshots of some of the messages and photographs that he told them. had sent to ask them to see outside the school.

"We come to study this does not mean that teachers should send us messages to try to profit and extort money from our qualification," said the organization.

The defendant, Francisco Sánchez Chanona, has posted on his Facebook profile a message in which he rejects the charges and claims that he has never asked for "a favor" in exchange for a publication.


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