A super drone will fight for the US air force: it was his maiden flight – 03/11/2019


United States Air Force He added the biggest drone in the world to fight with his pilots. This is the Valkyrie XQ-58A, a remote, unmanned, subsonic fighter who has just completed his inaugural flight successfully.

With a range of 3,500 kilometers, the ship will ultimately be used for surveillance, attack and low-cost electronic warfare support. In summary, would work by providing support to manned aircraft.

The Air Force Research Lab has partnered with Kratos Unmanned Aerial Systems to develop this prototype, which was showcased at the Yuma Test Center in Arizona. It is nine meters long and seven meters between the ends of the wings.

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The project is part of the LCAAT (Attractive Low Cost Aircraft Technology) initiative, which aims to stem the escalating escalation of aircraft costs.

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Developed for stand-alone operation, the aircraft performed as expected and completed 76 minutes of flight time. The XQ-58A has a total of five scheduled test flights whose objectives include evaluation of system functionality, aerodynamic performance, and launch and recovery systems.

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"The XQ-58A is the first example of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) clbad defined by low acquisition and operating costs, while provides a fighting ability that changes the gamesays Doug Szczublewski, AFRL Program Manager XQ-58A.


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