A taxi driver broke into the Baby Etchecopar program to hit him: "I'm going to kill him"


A confused situation was experienced this Thursday, when a taxi driver broke the security and entered the studios of Ray 10 and wanted to hit Baby Etchecopar, in addition to threatening him with death.

This is the third public escrach whose protagonist is the driver, who makes the complaint to the police and his attacker has been arrested.

The taxi driver, identified as 72-year-old Ricardo José Mitidieri, arrived at the Palermo radio and entered the building to ask for Baby, after hitting the windows of the studio that overlooks the street and in which noon angel ".

After the episode, Etchecopar said that his attacker had shouted, "I'm a taxi driver and that fabulous son of put … I'm going to kill him." Then he said that his daughter had worked with me as an advertiser in 2002 and that I had abused him. All lie", He said.

"He took out his teeth and threw them at my producer," continued Baby. "Today, I kill somebody because I want to go prisoner and let the state guard meShouted it. I have complained and is already in jail. If I had gone to get his daughter, it could have happened before, if it were to happen 18 years ago, "the driver explained.

Finally, Etchecopar closed with one accusation: "There is a persecution of those who do not think the same way. I've had two years of escrach in theaters. Fascism returns and they begin to persecute you. This was armed by taxi drivers K. In fact, they called me today and they warned me.


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