A teacher cut her hair to support a student disturbed by her hairstyle


Priscilla Pérez and her preschool teacher, Shannon Grimm, have become an example and have been rewarded for their fight against harbadment. It all started a few weeks ago, when the girl came home crying. Your companions They were annoyed because she had short hair: They told him that he was wearing a male hairstyle. Upon learning of the situation, Professor Grimm of the Meador School in Texas, USA, decided to cut her hair and comb her hair like a girl.

It was a big surprise for the young woman and the rest of the students when the teacher stood in front of all the hairstyle as a girl. In addition, the teacher asked Priscilla to put a ribbon in her hair – like her – to show as she was proud of her.

The teacher with Priscilla, after being rewarded for his courage.
The teacher with Priscilla, after being rewarded for his courage.

According to local media, the woman has done to show his students that it is not good to make fun of others and that girls can also wear short hair. "I do not want my students to feel bad about someone else 's comments. I want you to learn that everyone can choose how to dress and put on their hair, without feeling conditioned by the way people look at them, "said the professor. Today's show.

Together in clbad.
Together in clbad.

As school authorities reported on social media, "Priscilla was a happy girl at the beginning of the school year". However, after she cut her hair, "her teacher, Shannon Grimm, noticed that she was sadder and that she did not want to go to school anymore." It was at this point that the teacher understood that she was intimidated by her short hair. "After doing the same cut and bought ribbons to use together, he named the girl for the student's prize of the month for his courage during a difficult moment "they explained.

Priscilla was recognized at the school council meeting and awarded a medal. After receiving it, the girl gave her to her teacher so that she would be her heroine.


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