A teenage girl murdered her mother because she killed the dog | Chronic


In China, a 13-year-old boy killed his mother with a knife to take revenge after the woman ended the life of the child's dog in his presence.

The event took place last Saturday evening at the family home in Jianhu County, reports the Morning of South China. After the events, the murderer, identified as Shao FumingHe took refuge in a restaurant open 24/24, where a police officer found him Monday morning after spending more than one day.

The mother, identified as Yang Yan, killed the dog in an attempt to discipline his son, the media detail. "Shao was dissatisfied with Yang's disciplinary methods and there was a fierce conflict between the two parties that ended Yang's death", the local police said after the arrest, quoted by Daily mail.

Without life. The body of the woman is taken to the morgue.

Under Chinese laws, children under the age of 14 can not be held criminally responsible. People between the ages of 14 and 16 can be arrested and charged with crimes such as murder, robbery and rape.


A similar case occurred in December of last year, when a 12-year-old boy stabbed his mother over twenty times with a knife after beating him for smoking. The incident surprised many people in the country and caused a public outcry after the teenager, dubbed Wu, was released without being able to be prosecuted.

A Beijing court revealed earlier that nearly 15% of cases involving minors between 2010 and 2017 were crimes committed by adolescents under 16 years of age.


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