A teenager reported that four comrades raped her in a group


A new report of gang rape shocked Spain. This time, a 15-year-old girl said that she was badually abused by four companions from school in Alicante.

As confirmed by the newspaper The world, the victim said that the badault had occurred during the European summer of last year, but that he had not been encouraged to speak up to the present by fear.

In her complaint, the young woman explained that the night of the attack, she had met a friend and his high school clbadmates in the municipality of Marina Alta. But when she was alone with them, they took her by force to a field.

After having beaten her to intimidate her, the four teenagers raped her and they recorded everything with a mobile phone. One of them told him that if he did not pay him 50 euros, he would broadcast the video. However, the victim refused to give him money.

Once the attackers left, the young woman dressed and went home without telling anyone. A few months later, he was encouraged to talk about it and file his complaint. The investigation will be entrusted to the Office of the Juvenile Prosecutor, as all persons involved are under 18 years of age.

The mobile phones of the attackers were removed by the investigators, who they hope to find the images of the attack. In turn, they will badyze the conversations they had the following days.

This would not be the only case of group badual abuse in Alicante. At the new year, four young people They drugged a 19-year-old girl and registered her while they were raping her in a basement.

In this situation, the mother and sister of one of the attackers caught them in flagrante delicto, since they were in the family home. When the Civil Guard arrived immediately, they were able to recover the registration and the detainees were taken away with the people involved.

This video was essential for the police because it was recorded that the victim had clearly indicated that I did not want to have bad with them and he tried to defend himself as he could, since he was under the influence of a narcotic.


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