A teenager shot a 6-year-old boy from the point of view of a museum in London


The Tate Modern was installed in a former factory on the banks of the Thames, but over the years the building has been enlarged, especially with the construction of the 10-storey structure leading to the panoramic view platform.

From there, he was pushed a six-year-old French boy who is in London on vacation with his family. NailA 17 year old girl pushed him some time after 2:40 pm. Last Sunday, the British site reported The Guardian.

The boy landed on the fifth floor terrace, where the paramedics took care of him before transferring him by helicopter to a hospital where remains in critical but stable condition.

Up to here the police investigators they could not determine what motivated the 17-year-old teenager to push the six-year-old boy. The young man had already been arrested, but the authorities had asked the witnesses for information.


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