A thief tied up and burned a customer in the assault of a gas station | Chronic


A man armed with a gun stormed the market of a gas station in the American city of Palestine, in order to steal the cash register.

Upon entering the premises, the irascible subject taped the cashier and a woman who was buying locally. Then he threw a flammable liquid and set the customer on fire.

The violent episode was recorded by a security camera from the spot, in which he could be seen as Robert Thompson, 40, attacked and found himself with his loot of $ 800.

The images made it possible to locate and arrest the offender, already convicted for selling drugs.

According to the police chief of the city, Andy Harvey, the young injury is "out of danger", "Although he had burns to the hair and to the head". "Thank God, the victim was able to extinguish the fire before" he added.

Images from security cameras were the key to arrest (Courtesy of CBS).


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