A third metallic monolith appears: now on top of a Californian mountain


The mystery is gigantic. The metal monoliths of Utah (it was dismantled on November 27) and Romania are now joined by that of California.

A metallic “obeslisk” similar to those previously found in the desert of Utah, USA, and near the Romanian town of Piatra Neamt, has appeared in the state of California, on a mountain.

The strange structure was found on Wednesday morning at the top of Pine Mountain, near the town of Atascadero, where dozens of local hikers have already made the trip to see it and posted their photos and videos on social media, reports The Atascadero News.

“I was walking through Stadium Park this morning, which I do once a week, and as I walked along the trail, I was surprised to see something shiny on top of the hill,” Ronelle Volk, from the city by Paso Robles.

“When I got to the top, I found a triangular prism,” he added.

The structure, about 10 feet high and 18 inches wide, is said to be stainless steel. Unlike the Utah monument, this monolith, which weighs around 200 pounds, is not firmly attached to the ground and could be knocked over with a strong push, RT adds.

It is not known who installed the monument. The city authorities have been informed of the object’s presence, but there is no current information on the future of the monolith.

As for the origin and authors of the Utah and Piatra Neamt monoliths, they have not been confirmed either. The most creative assumptions about its purpose pointed to an “alien super weapon” or a “NASA device”.

The Red Rock Desert Monument was dismantled on the night of November 27 by a group of 4 people. “We removed the monolith from Utah because there is clear precedent for how we share and regulate the use of our public lands, wildlife, native plants, freshwater sources and human impacts on them, ”explained the specialist guide. adventure, Sylvan Christensen added: “We are losing our public lands and things like this are not helping.”


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