A tornado destroyed 500 vans worth $ 15 million


In Jefferson City, United States, a tornado destroyed 500 trucks who were parked on a sales beach. They believe that vehicle damage, which often ends on top of each other, amounts to $ 15 million.

This information was reported by the Kansas City Star media. The place is an establishment that sells vehicles of Chevrolet and Toyota. Jay Schnieders, his owner, said that, in total, there was 750 copies of which about 500 have suffered the consequences of the natural phenomenon.

"I can not believe it. They were thrown away like toys"Schnieders said in front of the cameras, he meant that some units literally they flew several meters. In the video posted by the journalist Steven Dial You can see how they were.

Schnieders estimated the 15 million damage, although a member of the present family calculated the double, that is to say $ 30 million.

Everything happened at night. The tornado also destroyed much of Jefferson City, with splinters up to 257 km / h. According to the local press, it was 1.6 km wide and "traveled" 32 kilometers on the mainland. For this reason 20 people had to be hospitalized for injuries of different types.


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