A tornado destroyed Havana | Chronic


Havana went through a night of terror. In the middle of a storm, a tornado fell on the Cuban capital, where he killed three people, injured more than 170 people and caused terrible material damage. President, Miguel Díaz-Canel, visited the affected area and underlined: "The damage is serious."

There was first a storm with gusts of up to 100 km / h, which caused the first floods. After, everything got worse. The wind has increased its power, has pbaded through the neighborhoods of Havana and has left its mark. Floods, fallen poles, uprooted trees, wrecked vehicles, power cuts, flying roof plates, this is the scenario with which the Cubans woke up after a night of terror, in which the sirens of ambulances and fire trucks Have not stopped ringing.

"Havana has suffered the onslaught of a great tornado that has caused numerous human and material damage in several cities of the city.", official sources said, adding that "The strength of the winds can be compared to that of a Category 4 or 5 tornado, although its impact is more targeted."

The phenomenon was so intense that even the children's hospital in Galicia had to be evacuated due to serious damage to its facilities. For its part, Díaz-Canel went in the middle of the night in the affected areas of the capital and confirmed the deaths of three people: "We are traveling in places affected by the intense atmospheric phenomenon, the damage is significant, we regret the loss of three lives and 172 wounded are treated, and several brigades are already working on the restoration."


This Monday morning, the president of the Provincial Assembly of People's Power, Reinaldo García Zapata, announced that they were "given the conditions"to start to work "with intensity and as soon as possible to recover badignments"They suffered."People have responded with the energy that characterizes our people, first to protect themselves and to help the people who needed it and who needs to be recognized."Immediately, they all got to work and started helping those who needed it.


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