A tornado is recorded near Tulsa Airport


Oklahoma City, Oklahoma –A tornado slammed Tuesday near the Tulsa International Airport, causing at least one injured and about a dozen homes damaged during violent storms in the southern plains.

The swirling wind caused the closure of motorways and the overturning of tents on a road course.

The storms could generate more tornadoes and sudden floods in parts of Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma.

Monday night storms toppled tents at the Lucas oil circuit in Hickory County, leaving seven injured, four of whom were taken to hospital. The stands of the circuit were also destroyed, resulting in the cancellation of the race which was to gather around 3,000 people. No more details were given about the wounded.

The tornado on Tuesday morning in Tulsa did not damage the airport, but pbadengers were taken to shelters for about 30 minutes, according to spokesman Andrew Pierini. Many flights have been canceled or postponed due to storms.

The tornado touched down around 6:30 in the morning about 4 miles from the airport.

"We had to rescue a man stuck under a tree this morning," said Kim MacLeod, spokeswoman for the Tulsa Region Emergency Management Agency. The condition of the man was unknown.

"We have received further information reporting damage to homes and fallen trees, and damage badessment would continue during the day"said MacLeod.

Floods were also a problem. The Oklahoma Department of Transportation closed Interstate 40 in El Reno, about 40 kilometers west of Oklahoma City, due to water retention. The National Meteorological Service reported that up to 13 centimeters of rain fell since Monday.

In Reno and Stillwater, where the University of Oklahoma is located, about 88 km northeast of Oklahoma City, lifeguards saved people from their homes because of the impoundment.


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