A touching meeting of a woman with her mother that she has been searching for 62 years | Chronic


An 81-year-old Irish woman found her 103-year-old mother six decades after starting a search to find out about her origins. Eileen Macken He grew up in an orphanage in Dublin, Ireland, and did everything to find his mother. His research began when he was 19 years old.

To find out where her mother was, she contacted a radio program RTE to give impetus to an investigation that she had started after leaving the orphanage.

In this way, a genealogist contacted her and told her that her mother could be in Scotland. "When I heard that, I knew that nothing would stop me to be able to find it again"said Eileen.

Last month, he came from Ireland to Scotland and met his mother. "I went to see her and she's the most beautiful woman, she has a nice family, they've welcomed me very well", told RTÉ the Liveline radio show Elizabeth, 103 years old.

The old woman said that when she read her mother for the first time, she read the newspaper. "I said she was from Ireland and she told me that she was born in Ireland." I told her that he knew that it was a good thing. was his daughter, he looked at me and shook my handhe told.

"I was delighted and I continued to take my hand"added Macken, who admits to being always "in a cloud" after meeting his mother, who will be 104 this weekend.

Macken emphasized the connection he felt between them. "It was fanstastic", he said. In addition to knowing his mother, he also discovered that he had two brothers.

Eileen Macke has never lost the hope of finding her mother again.

Reunion between Eileen Macken and her mother


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