A tough document for women after 8M's multifaceted march: strong criticism of Macri, governors and trade unionists | 8M


Women, bads, transvestites, transbaduals, bibaduals, non-binary, fat and interbad have marched with busy workers, unemployed, precarious workers and the popular economy carrying flags with different slogans in protest for the legalization of abortion and policies against gender violence.

In the box, when reading the document, the organizers said: "we represent an international and multi-national general stop of women, bads, transvestites, trans, bibaduals, non-binary, gordes and interbades of the working clbad; Trades, unemployed, precarizades, pickets and the popular economy, making indigenous, original, Afro-Argentine and black women particularly visible in order to start paying historic debt to them. "

"We stop because we organize well, we say loudly: stop badist violence in all areas, enough traffic, enough femicides, travesticides, transfemicidios and hate crimes. We stopped because the adjustment of Macri and the governors impoverished our lives, and the budget voted by the IMF by the Congress indicates that our lives are worth less than a collective ticket.", they considered using an inclusive language.

And they added: "We denounce the leadership of the trade unions – GT and CTA – to have turned our back on our movement by not calling the strike for 8M and we demand, once again, a strike general effective for our claims ".

"We stop because we are all workers and workers, we are the clbad capitalism against which the world opposes, neoliberalism in our region and macrismo in our country, through the advancement of law and imperialism throughout Latin America"they added.

Previously, groups of girls and teenagers with green facial tissues advocating for the campaign to legalize abortion, marched alongside women wearing the purple handkerchief that rejects gender-based violence and others who, with Orange handkerchiefs, have requested the separation of the Church and the State.

Many of these women also carried signs claiming the rights of rape girls who became pregnant and could not have access to the legal termination of pregnancy.


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