A university will teach its students how to ride a motorcycle: the details of the new theoretical and practical course


Students from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, United States, will have a new subject starting in the second semester Harley-Davidson Riding Academy. Yes, it's a workshop to learn how to handle the motorcycles of this legendary North American brand.

The course, optional, includes compulsory readings and theoretical courses on the parts and functions of motorcycles. He also teaches what they are good driving behavior in transit and different driving tips.

The Harley-Davidson Riding Academy will be held at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Photo: Harley
The Harley-Davidson Riding Academy will be held at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Photo: Harley

Students interested in organizing this workshop must have a valid driver's license for cars or a learner's license, in addition to knowing how to ride a bike. Those who complete it will receive an MSF loyalty card, which in some states will exempt them from taking the practical exam to obtain the license and grant them discounts to insurers.

Harley-Davidson invited students from other universities in North America to study ask for the arrival of the driving course via the hashtag # IWantRiding101.

"We are committed to build the next generation of motorcycle drivers and meeting them where they are, in this case the university, is a natural extension of this strategy, "said Claudia Garber, Harley-Davidson Market Program Manager.

"While many students think that college is a journey of life, we hope to broaden their horizons with real education and a key to access a means of transportation that you may not have considered"Garber added.


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